skewer command not found
When you run more command in linux terminal / console, you get the following error message
skewer: command not found
or when using sudo you get the following error message
sudo: skewer: command not found
Solutions to skewer: command not found
How To Fix skewer: command not found in Ubuntu / Debian / Kali Linux / Raspbian
In Ubuntu skewer is provided by skewer package.
skewer is:
skewer implements the bit-masked k-difference matching algorithm dedicated to the task of adapter trimming and it is specially designed for processing next-generation sequencing (NGS) paired-end sequences.
- Detection and removal of adapter sequences
- Insertion and deletion allowed in pattern matching
- Targeted at Single End, Paired End (PE), and Long Mate Pair (LMP) reads
- Demultiplexing of barcoded sequencing runs
- Multi-threading support
- Trimming based on phred quality scores
- IUPAC characters for barcodes and adapters
- Compressed input and output support
To fix this problem, we can install more using the command below.
sudo apt-get -y install skewer
This command might take some time to finish depending on your machine internet connection.
You can also use apt command to install skewer.
sudo apt -y install skewer
Or if you have aptitude installed you can use the following command.
sudo aptitude install skewer
In this tutorial we learn how to fix skewer command not found error in Ubuntu / Debian / Kali Linux or Raspbian distribution.