screenfetch command not found

In this troubleshooting guide we learn how to fix screenfetch command not found error message


When you run more command in linux terminal / console, you get the following error message

screenfetch: command not found

or when using sudo you get the following error message

sudo: screenfetch: command not found

Solutions to screenfetch: command not found

How To Fix screenfetch: command not found in Ubuntu / Debian / Kali Linux / Raspbian

In Ubuntu screenfetch is provided by screenfetch package.

screenfetch is:

screenFetch is a “Bash Screenshot Information Tool”. This handy Bash script can be used to generate one of those nifty terminal theme information + ASCII distribution logos you see in everyone’s screenshots nowadays.

It will auto-detect your distribution and display an ASCII version of that distribution’s logo and some valuable information to the right. There are options to specify no ascii art, colors, taking a screenshot upon displaying info, and even customizing the screenshot command.

To fix this problem, we can install more using the command below.

sudo apt-get -y install screenfetch

This command might take some time to finish depending on your machine internet connection.

You can also use apt command to install screenfetch.

sudo apt -y install screenfetch

Or if you have aptitude installed you can use the following command.

sudo aptitude install screenfetch


In this tutorial we learn how to fix screenfetch command not found error in Ubuntu / Debian / Kali Linux or Raspbian distribution.