caf_depad command not found
When you run more command in linux terminal / console, you get the following error message
caf_depad: command not found
or when using sudo you get the following error message
sudo: caf_depad: command not found
Solutions to caf_depad: command not found
How To Fix caf_depad: command not found in Ubuntu / Debian / Kali Linux / Raspbian
In Ubuntu caf_depad is provided by caftools package.
caftools is:
This package contains code from different authors that allow sequence assemblies to be converted into formats such as CAF (Common Assembly Format) or GAP4.
CAF is a text format for describing sequence assemblies. It is acedb-compliant and is an extension of the ace-file format used earlier, but with support for base quality measures and a more extensive description of the Sequence data. CAF was designed during the Sanger sequencing era. Its modern-day successor is the SAM format, or its binary equivalents BAM and CRAM.
To fix this problem, we can install more using the command below.
sudo apt-get -y install caftools
This command might take some time to finish depending on your machine internet connection.
You can also use apt command to install caftools.
sudo apt -y install caftools
Or if you have aptitude installed you can use the following command.
sudo aptitude install caftools
In this tutorial we learn how to fix caf_depad command not found error in Ubuntu / Debian / Kali Linux or Raspbian distribution.